Modern payment architectures on IBM zSystems

Reliability and 24/7/365 availability are crucial for banking applications. For nearly 30 years, we at PPI have relied on the excellence of IBM zSystems in order to support our customers in the banking industry. We offer on-site implementation of complex banking solutions mastering the full zSystems development stack. Our payment applications, implemented for our partner SIZ GmbH, cover the whole range of payment flows from internal messaging to corporate payments using the EBICS protocol. Our interbanking application provides real-time messaging for the EBA instant payment scheme.

Core benefits of IBM zSystems

  • High reliability to fulfil contractual and legal time slots
  • 24/7 availability makes it suitable for banking applications
  • Integration of instant payment message processing
  • Features IBM MQ and the IBM cryptographic hardware

Proven banking solutions

We at PPI offer our customers on-site assistance in planning and implementing large and complex applications for zSystems. We provide business and technical experience for core banking systems such as payments, account management digital cards and customer databases. On zSystems we work with IBM products and subsystems like Db2, MQ, CICS and IDz. Our programming experience spans programming languages such as Assembler, Cobol, C and Java.

A cornerstone for many payments applications

PPI has been offering payments applications for the zSystems platform for nearly 40 years. The applications support subsystems like Db2, MQ and CICS, are written in Assembler, C or C++ and make use of a variety of specialised processors, for example for cryptography and compression. All applications listed here are developed for the SIZ GmbH (a company of the Sparkassen-Finanzgruppe).

Ongum 3
More than 45 years old and in maintenance at PPI for over 40 years, the application ONGUM 3 is mostly programmed in Assembler and still constitutes the powerhouse for financial file transfer inside the Sparkassen organisation. 
It connects more than 50 servers covering the entire mainframe landscape of our customer in Germany.

TRAVIC-Link/HOST is in many scenarios a replacement for ONGUM 3 but even more important for the connection to thousands of decentralised systems with the IBM mainframe. TRAVIC-Link/Host implements the ONGUM-IP protocol which allows the reliable transmission of files up to terabytes in size. Nevertheless it is also capable of transmitting large numbers of small entities especially to targets outside the mainframe world.

TRAVIC-Corporate/HOST is the EBICS platform for all corporate customers of the Sparkassen organisation, covering over one third of the German market. In our latest version we offer an additional contract management including a fee management for a customer self-service. If TRAVIC-Corporate/HOST is combined with our application TRAVIC-Push-Server, it provides EBICS real-time submissions via the WebSocket protocol. 

TRAVIC-Interbank/HOST is the EBICS platform for interbanking data exchange, especially to the main clearing organisations Deutsche Bundesbank and EBA, but also for interbanking clearing and in-house payment file transfer. Besides the ability to transfer large payment messages it also supports the EBA instant payment scheme for the transmission of thousands of small messages per second each realised in less than 25 milliseconds.