Europe's leading application for interbank communication

With TRAVIC-Interbank, financial institutions and clearing participants rely on Europe's leading system for bilateral data exchange in SEPA and bilateral clearing. Procedures for both bulk payments and instant payments are supported.

Now available: payments as a service!

All TRAVIC suite products can be operated on-premises or in the cloud. Get in touch with us to learn more!

Highly secure data exchange

The processing of mass payments in the interbank sector typically requires the transfer of large payments files, the authentication of which must be ensured by encryption procedures and signatures. These tasks are performed by TRAVIC-Interbank, a flexible solution for the exchange of payment information between banks as well as between banks and clearing houses. The EBICS protocol is used for bidirectional interbank exchange in the EBICS roles server and client. TRAVIC-Interbank supports both the procedures for mass payments – such as those of the Bundesbank or STEP2 of EBA CLEARING – and the procedures for instant payments RT1 and Request to Pay (RTP). For communication with EBA CLEARING in the latter two cases, EBICS is used on a message basis. TRAVIC-Interbank forms the basis for high-performance and uninterrupted 24/7/365 operation – a must, especially in interbank communication.

    With TRAVIC-Interbank, financial institutions use a system that is an established market leader internationally as well. The success of TRAVIC-Interbank is based primarily on the following product features:

    • Support of all EBICS order types and BTFs for interbank mass payments, instant payments and RTP
    • Automated and high throughput of 1000 instant payments messages per second at minimal lead times of around 15 milliseconds
    • Use of EBICS as access channel for mass payments via STEP2 with EBA CLEARING
    • High scalability as well as secure and high-performance operation even on low-cost hardware
    • Failure safety and robustness
    • System independence – TRAVIC-Interbank is available for z/OS, AIX and Linux environments
    • Short installation and configuration times

    Can we assist you?

     Michael Lembcke PPI AG

    Michael Lembcke

    Leading Product Manager

    Dr. Hubertus von Poser PPI AG

    Dr. Hubertus von Poser

    Head of Sales and Consulting Payments


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