Instant payments regulation: have your project plans checked within 72 hours

The European Union is uprooting the project plans of financial institutions. Corporate customer payments are particularly affected. Bulk payments in real time that companies submit via EBICS are to be confirmed within ten seconds – just like a normal real-time payment. EBICS files containing only a single order should be treated by the bank as if they had been submitted as a single instant payment from the outset. The requirements for sanction screening also have some pitfalls, which may mean that compliance experts have to work weekends as well. PPI has already analysed how all this affects project plans and is offering interested banks and other PSPs the opportunity to have their process model reviewed free of charge within 72 hours.

At a glance: what applies for instant payments?

IPR projects are often organised in two phases: until the deadline on which a financial institution must be passively reachable (phase 1 – 9 January 2025), and until the deadline on which it is obliged to also enable active transmission (phase 2 – 9 October 2025). The requirements of the second phase in particular are considered to be very extensive, regardless of whether instant payments have already been introduced or not. A sequential approach harbours the risk of not being able to implement these requirements in time. This realisation became all the clearer when the EU explained for the first time how it intends to interpret the provisions of the IPR in the future. The official clarifications essentially confirm what was presented in the "Implementation Workshops" in April and May 2024.

IPR requirements: which financial institutions are affected and how?

Every financial institution is different. This also applies to instant payments. Instant payments will become the new payments standard – but how exactly what the EU stipulates affects the individual institution depends on several factors. This overview helps you categorise your own institution.

Securing the project plan: certainty in 72 hours

Would you like to secure your plan? We analyse the stability of your project plan and the current progress of IPR implementation for you within 72 hours and then provide qualified feedback in a video call – free of charge and absolutely confidential. Let us know that you are interested and we will get back to you shortly.

Can we assist you?

 Eric Waller PPI AG

Eric Waller

Senior Manager

Jörn Bicker

Jörn Bicker

Managing Consultant


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